FEMME FATALES: Killer Instinct

This was actually one of the first episodes of this series from back when it was first released. Written and directed by Darin Scott it stars the stunningly beautiful Mirtha Michelle as Lauren Coleston, a deadly assassin who uses her sexuality to entrap her victims. She’s a true femme fatale.

The episode opens with Lauren attending a fancy art exhibit, where she strikes up a conversation with a man named Davis Bennett (Mark Simich), who is also attending. After some heavy flirty they end up back at his place where they have hot sex. After it’s over, we see Lauren leaving Davis, who is dead on a chair with three bullet wounds in his chest. But as Lauren enters the elevator in his apartment building, she’s jumped by three masked men who overpower her.

After Tanit Phoenix’s introduction, Lauren finds herself waking up in a dark room, tied to a chair (in another but her bra and panties) and strapped up to some kind of mechanical device on a desk. A man in a mask enters and starts to interrogate her, demanding to know who she works for and why did she kill Davis. But every time Lauren refuses to answer his questions, he flips a switch on the device, and it sends a painful eclectic shock through her body, which causes her to scream in pain.

As this torture goes on, we see Lauren’s story in flashbacks. It begins with her in jail, where she’s beating up another female prisoner in a shower, as two other female prisoners watch and encourage her. All four women are naked, of course. The guards break it up and toss Lauren into solitary. We’re not told what Lauren did to get in jail, although later in the episode she’s described as a “habitual offender” who is prone to violence (although she’s never killed anyone before) due to being unable to control her temper. One day a man named Pressman (Sean Douglas) enters her cell, saying he works for some mysterious organization and can get her out to come work for them as a professional assassin.

Lauren accepts her deal, and we get glimpses of her training. She’s shown to already be an excellent computer hacker, but a female agent named Pam (Vedette Lim) teaches her in the ways of Charm, Persuasion, and Seduction, all useful skills she’ll need in her line of work, and Ho-Sung Pak plays a man who trains her in martial arts. It’s not said how long all of this training takes place, but her first major test is to seduce Pressman, which she easily does in his office one night. And then her final test is when she’s locked in a room alone with a big man whom she’s told is a convicted killer. The deal is that whichever one of them kills the other gets to go free. Lauren prevails, exiting the room covered in blood, but alive, and is given her first assignment, which is to kill Davis Bennett who is known to sell weapons to and launder money from terrorists. This brings us back to the beginning of the episode.


Despite the pain from the multiple shocks, which eventually causes her to blackout, Lauren refuses to break. Even when her tormentor puts a gun to her head, she still won’t give up, which is when the man takes off his mask, revealing himself to be Pressman. This was her actual final test and she passed. She’s now a full-fledged agent in this organization. THE END.

It’s a very good episode. As I said, Mirtha Michelle is amazing. A brown-skinned Dominican beauty. Her two sex scenes are spectacular, and I would have loved to have seen this character return in a later episode, maybe if they’d had a third season they could have brought her back. I also wish she’d done more softcore work.

Chacebook rating: FIVE STARS

Jason Majercik is selling this UNRATED 4-disc DVD set of Femme Fatale season 2 for $29.99. Email him at for his softcore inventory list.




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