Passionate Intentions

**This review will contain spoilers**

Written by Denise Monroe and directed by Glen Carter, this 2015 film stars Ash Hollywood and Daniel Hunter as Lisa and Greg, a couple who have been happily married for four years. The film opens with Greg serving Lisa breakfast in bed for her “birthday eve”, as she’ll be turning 25 that weekend and they have some big plans for it.

Another major detail about Lisa’s birthday is that when she turns 25 she’ll begin getting money from a trust fund that her wealthy deceased father left her. The film never says exactly how much it’s worth, just that her “first check” will be $5 million. Up to this point, Greg has been supporting them both, and doing so pretty well as they live in a decent-sized mansion while Lisa doesn’t work and spends her free time painting. Nevertheless, the money Lisa will be inheriting will dwarf whatever Greg makes, and she even suggests that once she gets it Greg will no longer have to work as she can support them both. But Greg is clear that that’s her money, he doesn’t want to live off of her.

Michelle Maylene plays Greg’s assistant Maggie, who also gets along well with Lisa. But despite living in a nice home with a pool in the Hollywood Hills, we see Maggie complaining to her boyfriend Tommy (Jon Fleming) about how she’s not making enough in her “dead-end job” and worries that she won’t be able to continue to afford her home. She knows about Lisa’s upcoming inheritance and begins to scheme with a way to get money out of her and Greg.

Greg comes over to her house for some work-related stuff, but she comes on to him. Greg rebuffs her, as he’s faithful to Lisa, and she apologizes and begs him not to let it affect their work relationship. He says they’ll just forget it and leaves. She tells Tommy that she’s sure that now that she’s planted the thought in Greg’s mind, he’ll eventually change his mind and come back to her.

Meanwhile, at their home, Lisa is having drinks with her friend Dierdre (Adriana Chechik), and the topic turns to sexual fantasies. Dierdre describes a fantasy of having sex with another woman, something she’s never actually done. As Dierdre narrates the action we see it in a fantasy sequence, with the other woman played by Onyx Muse (what a dope name!). Then it’s Lisa’s turn. While’s never cheated and is happy with Greg, she describes a fantasy she had once about a man named Tony (Kyle Harper) who is in a painting class she takes. They’ve never even spoken in real life, but she’s caught him checking her out a few times. She describes the fantasy of taking him home with her after class and having sex, which we also see in a fantasy sequence.

The problem is that Greg returns home just as she’s beginning to describe her fantasy. He secretly listens but misses the part where she states that it’s just a fantasy. So he thinks she talking about a real encounter. Hurt and angry he goes back to Maggie to tell her what he just found out. and she offers a sympathetic ear…and then gives him a massage to ease his tension…and I’m sure you can guess what happens next.

Afterward, she asks him what he’s going to do about Lisa. Greg says he can’t imagine staying with her after what she did to him, and Maggie says it’s unfair that she’ll just be able to go on with her new life with all that money. And then starts to suggest that Tommy has some biker friends who can get rid of Lisa and make it look like an accident, so then Greg would get her money. Greg doesn’t want to go that far and leaves again. Maggie then tells Tommy that if Greg doesn’t come around to her idea it’ll be time for “plan B,” revealing that she secretly recorded her and Greg having sex.

Back at home Greg eventually confronts her, and just tells him that what he heard was just a fantasy, and she’s mad at him for even thinking she’d ever cheat. Maggie calls Greg to check in on him, and he tells her what happened, meaning that as far as she’s concerned it’s time for plan B.

The next morning she and Tommy show up to Greg and Lisa’s house, and Maggie shows Greg the video on her phone of the two of them having sex. She demands money from him in exchange for her not showing the video Lisa. He refuses to pay and says she’s fired and tries to kick her out, but she just says that’s okay as she can use that video to sue him for firing her for sexual harassment. She then texts the video to Lisa’s phone, while she was in another room. Lisa is angry and won’t listen as Greg tries to explain and she just kicks them all out.

The film jumps ahead sometime later, where Lisa has arranged for Greg to walk in on her just as she’s finished having sex with Tony for real. Greg is hurt, but Lisa just says that now the two of them are even, and she’s leaving him for good. Greg is left sitting alone, having lost everything. THE END

This is another film that had potential, the basic idea of a man cheating on his wife because he thinks she’s cheating on him only to be found wrong and then become the target for blackmail is pretty good. But this script doesn’t pull it off. Maggie’s motivation was weak, as I noted she seemed to be doing pretty well already, and she was so sure Greg would change his mind about sleeping with her, but that only happened because he coincidentally happened to overhear Lisa sounding like she was admitting to cheating on him. Otherwise, the plan just wouldn’t have worked. I also thought that the way Greg instantly believed Lisa when she told him what happened was a little too easy. You’d think he’d be a little more skeptical, at least. And then the ending, damn. Usually, you’d get some kind of happy ending, but poor Greg just got screwed over due to bad circumstances and, that’s it?

But unfortunately, Daniel Hunter is simply not a very good actor. I mean he’s good at performing in the sex scenes, but when it comes to delivering dialog he just doesn’t sound very realistic. And Ash Hollywood isn’t much better in that regard.

Michelle Maylene is good, and in addition to the sex scenes I’ve already described, there are two with her and Jon Fleming in this film. Her scenes are the highlights, but that’s the other major problem I had with this film, which is that I just don’t find Ash Hollywood to be that attractive. So her five scenes (3 with Hunter, 2 with Harper) don’t do much for me. Adriana Chechik isn’t really my type either, so even the lesbian scene fell flat.

But that’s me, if you find these ladies attractive, I’m sure you’ll like the scenes, but the highest I can give this film is a Chacebook rating of THREE STARS

Jason Majercik is selling this UNRATED DVD for $19.99. Email him at for his softcore inventory list

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