This episode, written by Karen O’Hara and directed by Lucas Riley, stars Brad Bartram as Jack. Jack is a veterinarian and smooth ladies’ man who describes himself as just a guy who really loves women. He also loves the hunt for a new woman. He calls into Veronica’s (Angela Nicholas) radio show to tell her about some of his recent escapades.

He went to a party thrown by a woman named Kate (Belinda Gavin), who regularly throws parties every Saturday. It was his first time there, and he immediately zeroes in on Kate and goes after, cockblocking another man (John Tatum) who was trying to hit on her. He follows Kate into her bedroom, where she has a dartboard on the wall that she’s practicing throwing darts off. He shows off his skill at darts and then shows off his skill at sex, and they get on the bed and get busy.

His next story involves a time when he was at a Kindergarten school, bringing in some animals to show to the kids. After the class, he met the teacher (Nadia Foster) in her office and seduced her, having sex on her desk.

The final story takes place the following Saturday. He’s back at Kate’s for one of her parties. It’s a costume party this time, and he’s dressed as a pirate with an eyepatch. He sees Kate, who tells him she wants to introduce him to her friend Diana (Angelica Sin), but he looks at her and says Diana isn’t his type. Instead, he has his eyes set on a woman dressed as Little Bo Peep (Summer Fields) and makes his move on her.

This time, Jack fails to get the girl, as this woman is completely immune to his charms and leaves Jack alone in the bedroom. That’s when Diana, dressed in an Amazon costume (I guess like Xena, Warrior Princess, hence the title of this episode), aggressively comes on to Jack, making him kneel and kiss her boots and then tying him to the bed as she has sex with him.

Jack is left apparently smitten. He tells Veronica that he called this show because he hopes that Diana will hear this and give him his number. THE END.

It’s a pretty simple story; I’m not sure if we’re supposed to like Jack or not based on his behavior. It’s mostly just an excuse to give us the three sex scenes. But those three sex scenes are pretty hot, at least. Angelica Sin’s scene is the best, as we get to see her showing her huge boobs in Bartram’s face. Bartram is one of the best actors in softcore in his era, so he carries the role well. There’s also a little plot point that Jack says every time he sees an attractive woman, he immediately imagines her naked in just high heels. So we get to see Summer Fields in the nude even though she doesn’t have a sex scene like the other three women.

Chacebook rating: THREE STARS

Jason Majercik is selling this UNRATED 3-disc DVD set of Best Sex Ever season 1 for $29.99. Email him at for his softcore inventory list.

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