Lady Chatterley’s Stories: SWITCH


Written by April White and Edward Gorsuch and directed by R. Lord, this episode stars Michelle Von Flotow and Lyle Skosey as a married couple named Sherry and Frank, and Lisa Throw and Timothy Stempien as another married couple, Nichole and Tom. Both couples are good friends, with Sherry and Nichole having gone to college together.

The two couples are invited to spend a weekend at Lady Chatterley’s (Shauna O’Brien) mansion, whom the ladies also went to college with, for a mini-vacation. During this time, Lady Chatterley picks up on some mutual attraction going on with the couples, with each person wondering what it’s like to have sex with the other person’s spouse. She secretly proposes to the men a game of “switch,” in which she’ll arrange for the power to “go out” that night, and then each man will secretly sneak into the other’s bedroom and have sex with the other’s wife, without the wives knowing it.

Okay, let’s be clear, in real life, this situation would actually qualify as rape, as the women would not be consenting to have sex with the men that they’d be having sex with. So don’t try this at home.

Anyway, the plan goes into action late at night, as each couple is in their bedroom, the power goes out. Each man tells his wife he’s going out to get some candles for their room, and they meet in the hallway and switch rooms and then Lady Chatterley watches through the two-way mirrors secretly installed in each room as Frank has sex with Nichole and Tom has sex with Sherry.

When they’re finished, the men switch rooms again, going back to their own wives, but when the power comes back on the next morning, each woman tells their husband that the sex they had last night was the best it ever was, which naturally makes Frank and Tom feel a bit inadequate, although neither wants to admit it.

The big plot twists happen at breakfast, where Lady Chatterley reveals to the men that Sherry and Nichole wanted to have sex with the other woman’s husband. So she had them switch bedrooms too, which means that all four of them actually had sex with their own spouse. This was her to make them appreciate what they have, and it worked, as now they all recommit to their own marriages.

It’s not a bad story, and that ending is clever. The only problem is that because the lights were out, and the story was trying to hide the surprise, the sex scenes that happened when each couple thought they were switched were too dark to see fully. But before that, we get three good sex scenes. one of each couple. Plus there’s a flashback in college of Lady Chatterley and Nichole having sex.

Chacebook rating: THREE STARS


Jason Majercik is selling this UNRATED 6-disc DVD set of Lady Chatterley’s Stories for $49.99. Email him at for his softcore inventory list.

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