Lady Chatterley’s Stories: ONE NIGHT STAND


Written by the softcore dynamic duo of April White and Edward Gorsuch and directed by R. Lord, this episode stars Susan Featherly and Danny Pape as married couple Elise and David, who are staying at the mansion of Lady Chatterley (Shauna O’Brien).

Elise and David are clearly happy together, as the episode begins with the two of them upstairs in the mansion, sneakingly having sex right in the middle of the hallway, both standing, with Elise bent over a bit leaning against the wall as David bangs her from behind.

Afterward, they go downstairs to the living room, where they find Lady Chatterley sitting with a man named Joel (Jason Schnuit). The two couples begin to have a conversation about what exactly constitutes an affair, with David arguing that it has to be a prolonged sexual relationship in which feelings can develop, as opposed to a one-night stand, which is just sex and doesn’t necessarily mean anything. This leads Lady Chatterley to propose a game of Truth or Dare, which is designed to get them to talk about previous one night stands.

Lady Chatterley goes first, telling the story about her friends, a married couple named Lucinda and Laurence (Angela Grant and Tom Pruite). Lucida had become sexually frustrated due to Laurence always working so much and not having as much time for her as she’d like. However, she didn’t want to get a divorce as she still loved Laurence, but she wanted Lady Chatterley to set her up with some random man to have a one-night stand, figuring that the experience would actually help save her marriage.

It sounds crazy, but in the Skinemax universe, extramarital sex often does bring couples back together, so who knows?

But through some convoluted trickery, Lady Chatterley manages to pull a switch on Lucinda, and so instead of hooking up with some stranger, she hooks up with Laurence, and they have the best sex ever (oops, wrong show, but you know what I mean) and live happily ever after.

Then Joel tells a story of how some years ago, he was designing a building with a fellow architect, a woman played by Stella Porter, and while working late in his office one night, the two of them had hot sex, but then she moved away as soon as the job was over.

Then it’s Elise’s turn, and I won’t get into details, but she told a story that ended up being about how she and David met back in college. They had what she thought would be a one night stand, but he continued to pursue her afterward, and they’ve been happy ever since.

The night ends with Lady Chatterley taking Joel up to her room while Elise and David stay in the living room and have sex on the couch.

This episode gets kudos for having five sex scenes, even if three are with the same couple of Featherly and Pape, all of which are hot. But the story’s execution was weak, as most weren’t actually “one night stands.” I also feel like there was a missed opportunity of not having a sex scene between Shauna and Schnuit. I consider this a decent episode that could have been better. Chacebook rating: THREE STARS

Jason Majercik is selling this UNRATED 6-disc DVD set of Lady Chatterley’s Stories for $49.99. Email him at for his softcore inventory list.

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