Written by Sherman Scott and directed by Fred Olen Ray (as Nicholas Medina), this 2007 film stars Beverly Lynne Meadows (as just Beverly Lynne) as Mary, an innocent woman accused of witchcraft back in 17th century Salem (the exact date is never specified). Ted Newsom plays Brother Hopkins, her accuser, who tells her that she has been sentenced to be hanged to death the next morning. After being left alone in her cell, a real witch named Angelique (Nicole Sheridan) appears, and offers to initiate Mary into the Sisterhood of Witches. The initiation process involves Hot Lesbian Sex. Brother Hopkins returns to the cell and catches Angelique and Mary in the act. Angelique quickly uses her magic to transport her and Mary to the future (ie the present, our time).

Angelique has used her magic to give Mary a new identity in the future. She’s married and lives in a lovely house, and Angelique shows Mary all the modern technology like refrigerators, telephones, and indoor plumbing. Angelique says that Mary must attempt to fit in to this new life, in order to prove that she’s fit to join the Sisterhood of Witches. Brad Bartram plays Mary’s new husband Derek. He’s an ad executive, preparing to pitch a new campaign to a big client. Alexandre Boisvert (aka Voodoo) plays Derek’s coworker Barry, who is scheming to steal Brad’s ideas and present them to the client as his own. Busty
Rebecca Love is Barry’s girlfriend Linda, who also works with them and is in on Barry’s plan. Barry and Linda manage to get themselves invited over to Mary and Derek’s house for dinner and drinks, in the hopes that they can sneak around and find Derek’s work and steal it. Then at some point, back in the past Brother Hopkins finds Angelique’s magic necklace, which she accidentally left behind, and uses it to the follow them into the future, and is planning to capture Mary and take her back to their own time to be hanged.

So that’s the general premise, and it’s a pretty short movie. Just about an hour and nine minutes long. But within that time we get several more sex scenes. Barry and Linda have sex in the supply room at their job. When Derek comes home he and Mary have sex. Evan Stone appears in the film as Angelique’s husband (& fellow witch) Martin, and we get a scene of them having sex at their house. There’s a scene where Mary is home alone and turns on the TV to see a scene of a man and woman having sex. I recognize the actors in that scene as Danielle Petty (aka Kennedy Johnston) and Eddy Jay (aka Edward Lee Johnson), although neither are credited in the film, nor is it listed what film or TV show that scene is from. That seems unfair as it is shown almost in it’s entirety here, as the camera cuts back and forth between the scene on TV and Mary as she gets naked an masturbates on the couch while watching it. Mary falls asleep on the couch afterward and Linda sneaks in to go snoop around, still trying to steal Derek’s work, but Derek comes home and catches her, so she seduces him. Mary wakes up and catches them having sex, and then joins in.
That scene is particularly good. As I’ve noted a few times before, we don’t get enough male/female/female threesomes in softcore films, so that’s always good to see.

Overall, an average film. Chacebook rating THREE STARS

available on amazon

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